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  TIME STORMS: Coloured clouds that form within a point in time where a rupture is caused. People have known to have travelled through worlds unwillingly as a result. Some who become temporarily paralysed and suffer amnesia whilst others have been known to trapped in time, however there is a one-in-a-million chance of this happening.

  TIMELY FLARES: Just as lighting would strike though Earths atmosphere, Timely Flares act in the same way, they look like bolts of fire and impact such a striking force that includes erasing, freezing or disintegrating the every things that comes in contact with it. Other Difference exists, but are not known or discovered as of yet.

  When time grabbed at all of reality, it had to erase the future and start afresh – the only way it could keep itself continual – and when no Bearers could help, it shrieked in pain of its struggles.

  #088––The Regenerated Future

  All extensions to the future (the Third Link) had their slate cleaned. Time simply had no choice to keep the future in existence. Now a new one is progressing at present and remains in forward motion.

  Though the future is thought to have been lost forever, there will a chance to bring it back, but as the present overwrites the future to come, it will become less likely for it to be saved.

  The future is regenerated and time along with it. Reality tells us that the future is lost but reason says that there must be some way to fix time, but with no Bearers, time stands alone in a fight that will prove to much for its structure to cope with and now with many enemies waking up to the existence of Time Travel, hope will be growing thin to the point of no return.

  Now that time is searching for its next Candidates, it will be looking for one outstanding individual that will be able to anchor its nature and bring about a new Order that will do whatever it takes to return balance within the continuum and fix time before it’s too late.

  #089––Endless Possibilities

  Time is of endless possibilities, it runs in many Layers and even more streams and can become so much more. Nothing is impossible and with time still flowing, there is always a chance to save it.

  Hundreds of adventures await the Time Traveller and it will be nothing short of a miracle for him to patch up times wounds and save it from ending. It will be arduous, it will be destructive and it will take a great sacrifice to achieve it.

  Let the days of the Master run throughout the continuum and let it be known that time will forever be protected and everlasting.

  Of the many things that are about to happen, there is the question of what the new future holds and if time will progress for billions of years to come. Whats Ifs are always going to be asked and knowing the future becomes ever more complicated that even Seers don’t have such a clear foresight anymore.

  What has the future in-store for us?


  Curses of Time & Continumental Novels



  ‘In the light of the coming Master, there are those who will stop at nothing to ensure that he is taken down, so that they can command their own rule – Who will take the Seat?’

  Throughout the continuum myth has spoken of those who sought to save time by becoming Bearers.

  Perhaps the most incredible of tales belonged to the Time Traveller, he alone became the first to truly understand time and be able to harness its power.

  Of that which is reality, time is represented both as a measurement of duration as well as sequence of events, both Pivotal and Transitional Points.

  The Time Traveller will lead the existence to a new era, one where people will be free to live in whichever world they choose, one where time’s protection is guaranteed and one where Time Travellers will begin.

  #090––The Preludes

  Before the mention of the Time Traveller and the prophecy, there were many that came first, after the Masters fall, many had attempted to protect time, to start their own Order and to ensure that they did all that it took to bring back the peace and the untempered continuity of time ... this is their tale.

  Many Candidates rose to the challenge of earning their place at times side.

  It took the bravest and the best of those selected to take up such as prestigious privilege and yet every last one of the Candidates fell in the attempt and the arrival of a Time Traveller is eagerly awaited.

  #091––Curses of Time

  It was said that the Time Traveller would be put through the most excruciatingly difficult of challenges that time has to offer. Since his powers are outlawed he must show time that he is ideal to become a Bearer.

  He must ensure that he can lead a new Order to ensure time’s protection and to maintain a similar role of that of the Masters.

  Not only does he have to travel throughout the continuum to heal time’s wounds, he must ensure that any such event that crosses his path is free from any forms of paradoxes and reduce the strain that weighs time down.

  Though he cannot do it alone, he will need to ensure that time does not come to an end by keeping it in forward motion and mastering his powers to enforce the Laws and his duty as the next Master of Time.

  In his initiation as Candidate, the Time Traveller will be sent through the continuum to fix complex Transitional points in time and space. He will be met with all manner of adventures involving many existences, creatures in as many worlds and realities.

  #092––Sectoral Adventures

  Aside the many enemies to come, the Time Traveller will see sights that only a handful have seen. He will be able to traverse in historic points, he will travel to many worlds and planets (past, present and future).

  It is not known how old he would become or if he will in fact out–age the Masters who lived for hundreds of years and had countless adventures before his journey would lead him on his journey to claim his Seat.

  But what is certain, is his legacy to come, his path in the light of darkness that will be carried in his wake and of time’s acceptance to his powers, if he can show how beneficial it can be.

  Surrounding the many adventures that the Time Traveller will have, there will be many more tales that will happen around him. Tales of those who made an impact on the days to come, of those who sacrificed their lives and of those who played their part.

  #093––Continumental Novels

  It has been said by Eridanus that there will be hundreds of stories which will follow in conjunction of the Time Traveller, around his very presence.

  Through his life, there will be stories of those whose paths were not met by him, but left some sort of impression, whether they had an audience with him or not.

  Of those who were around at the time of his legend, those who saw glimpses of him and those who lived their own version of the story, for without them, the Time Traveller could not hope to have continued his feat.

  There was a time, a long while ago, when a Seer was a member of Panthcardians.

  He sought to aid in the protection to time and was thought to be a great Bearer (if ever he was chosen), but Aric found ways to control the very nature of time and through greed of this newfound power he gathered followers and called them Truyens.

  Aric set out to become a Sole Controller and had potential and current Candidates killed to assume his rightful Seat to become a Master at any cost, he took on Eridanus, the remaining Time Police and those who opposed him in the Battle of Life and Death and was defeated.

  #094––Aric [Prisoner of Time]

  Since being locked behind one of the Doors of Time as punishment of his crimes, never to leave. Trapped in a Timeless Energy Field has been more resourceful than an actual punishment, though he cannot leave – unless the person whose Door it is, opens it – he will remain locked indefinitely.

  Little does everyone know, each day spent is another that Aric has been learning about time and has been in forward motion as time remains still and silent.

  Aric bides his time for when fate crosses his path once
more and when he assumes his return, he will not stop, he will not falter ... he will not fail.

  Moving on to a predication that was made by Orion himself.

  Orion saw a vision of time’s eventual collapse, his mind had been corrupted by 3Circle energy and had but only one chance to hide his 13 Sun Spheres before his own time was up.

  He introduced (in secret) an Order of Orilians who would be at the service of Bearers and be the command when none were left, to find the next in line.

  This is what he saw.

  #095––Time’s Pivotal Turning Point

  Though it is not clear which point this may be, there are however rumours that the Turning Point (the point when time is predicted to fall) comes short of the Time Traveller taking his Seat as Master.

  It is said that the Turning Point will mark the collapse of time and that in its entirety time will reach throughout the whole continuum to die fighting – its last act.

  In times like that, skies will burn, matter will degenerate and the Suns will become whole. It is not certain of how long time has left to give to us, but we remain in taking it for granted.

  Time will not last forever.

  With all the prophecies and predictions, doubt is not left to the end result, time will end and it will come at the cost of us all. It will rip through everything that it had lived through and erase it all in a matter of moments and then there will be nothingness in the midst of memories that were.

  #096––Time’s Ultimate End

  Many people have theorized of how time will end. There have been some close predictions, some mildly put and others just plain bizarre.

  The truth of the reality is, time’s eventual end leads to the notion that time is in a constant flux and that when it runs out it will play at hand its final streams of its Layers simultaneously, where different types of time will unfold in silence before the distorted plunge to its final lifeline runs out.

  Explaining time has always been something of a challenge to me. You see time is not a living thing, it has no mind and yet as it is tangible, it is a physical form. It is sometimes referred as an entity with natural Cycles instead of having any human-like characteristics.

  #097––Timely Existence

  Though time has been known to have “chosen Candidates” and has (at some point) grasped through the whole of the continuum to find another way to stay in existence, it is, by means a physical and tangible state.

  It has no mind or physical capabilities like humans, however it is an entity made up of Cycles, it carries as a stringent of events and due to its nature it acts just like the tides of the sea or the turn of the Earth – it is simply a natural phenomena.

  There have been many Journals that have been written by many Bearers, but one for now is a part from Arcturus’ Journal and his struggle in coping with times unruly nature and of keeping to his rule of outlawing Time Travel.

  #098––Extract of Arcturus’ Diary

  FRIDAY JULY 19TH, 1872

  The Timentium state is struggling in deciding whether it wants to choose me, Cygnus or Orion to become the Master of Time. I confess myself eager to take the Seat, but my fellow Candidates are showing real promise and it would be a shame to lose such talent.

  Time has given us access to most of its Matter-Fabric and allowed us to see its entirety. We have been put through the most strenuous of tasks that have tested us both mentally and physically. Time has placed us in various and individual Timeless Energy Fields and gave us scenarios, put in place, to see how we would react in situations, to see how we would cope in times when potential changes in the timeline can occur.

  Thankfully there are no traces of any Time Travellers which would pose great distress towards time and would, I think, be a greater challenge for a Master to contain if they should ever come into existence.

  Whom–so–ever should take the Seat, should he be the light that guides time to its natural profession. I have felt times Matter-Fabric and it is delicate, it is clear … it is left defenceless. Being a Guardian has given me the chance to write the Laws of Time, to create the barriers, to stop others from controlling time. We as the Servants of Time  must do all we can to pre sever the nature of time, never to control it.

  Many months have passed since I first stepped on Earth, I have seen the true potential of humans and they seem like an eccentric bunch. I am impressed with their ability to go where no person has reached, their ideas to touch the stars, their imagination to write things they have never encountered … and all with no supernatural power to speak of.

  Looking back at the adventures, there is so much to tell and so little a time to tell it. Even though being a Seer has its benefits and comes with an extended span of life, and with all the trips through time to satisfy my heart, it seems that there is little enough time to make an impact, to serve time well, to give it a helping hand.

  For now I remain ready, waiting for time to bring about its final task, to chose its Master between myself, Cygnus and Orion. Whatever the end result may we all serve time, may we protect it so it can continue supporting life, planets, stars and matter. Let us embrace its richness and learn from the knowledge of its existence in equal measure.

  We are life. We are time. We exist.

  Eridanus kept a Journal too, with his responsibility as the Leader of Orilians, he thought it was best to document his travels, incase events became jumbled or changed. He had to come to terms that time was more delicate than first thought and he did what he could to keep people faithful in protection it rather that controlling its very nature.

  #099––Extract of Eridanus’ Diary


  Today has seen one of the worst events in time. There has been catastrophic damage through the continuum and time is showing signs of deteriorating. So far Orilians and I have been able to manage and maintain its exposure, but I am sure that there will come a time when we will see the fall of time itself.

  Heaven knows that we need a Master, now more than ever. I remain in waiting and have been since Arcturus once told me that a Time Traveller would be the next to take the Seat. I have laid out many plans for his arrival and grow ever more eager to know when he should make his appearance. I fear that I will no longer be around when he does decide to show up.

  Since the Masters fall, there has been a silence that has spread throughout the Worlds. People live in fear, every waking moment they look over their shoulder incase the unexpected happens, incase a portal looms behind them without them knowing, incase time’s matter changes, incase something unknown grips them.

  I don’t know how long time can go without having someone tending it to its wounds, but a Master needs to be found and it has to be now. Otherwise there is no hope left for time, no second chance … and no hope to undo what has been done.

  With all the things that can be done to protect time, there are times when protecting it can pose a danger to times nature and stepping back could mean the difference between events leading to a paradox to a natural flow of time and that begs a question.

  #100––What’s Left to Chance?

  A path is set out to all those who choose to take lead in their lives. Time’s struggle was always left to the fact that it grew itself around the existence and kept us in flow as we became a part of its Matter-Fabric.

  With the Master on the horizon, his journey will be the blueprint to his legacy. He will be send far and wide into the continuum to preserve time, manage events and earn his leadership.

  Many predications have been left and only one if not none will come true. There is hope left that time will not fall and that the Time Traveller would be the savour that it and the existence needs, but who are we to question what is to happen? Who are we to question how things turn out? I guess the only way to find out if a prophecy is true is to hope to be there long enough to see events unfolding.

  #101––The Prophecies of the Master

  In the days of the Masters, time spoke of a Traveller. One who
would become the first to truly master time’s nature and strike to protect the existence, leaving his mark on the continuum as he is bound by destiny to preserve the very Matter-Fabric of time and space.

  Whispers of the prophecy have spread far and wide throughout the continuum. Many versions of its original translation are known, however one remains consistent: ‘It is said, that a Time Traveller would one day become a Master. That he would be the command at the helm of band of Guardians in the dawn of a new age of time. He, who would be the light in the Gaps of the Worlds, the first to be a Controller – an equivalent to time itself!’

  Other versions have been told, rumours of things to come:

  Time will fall at the hands of those it serves

  He will burst open the Doors, when time shall fall

  Worlds will unlock that hold secrets in the darkness of burning light

  Bearing the wounds conflicted, time will unite the Master as he bows for forgiveness and holds the power to change its fate

  The Time Traveller will face the brunt of many enemies and will see perhaps too much of time and less of his own

  Many others remain untranslated and many more that time does not permit anyone to see for the knowledge itself will lead to destruction of all of reality and where time will cease to have ever existed.

  The Time Traveller’s story is yet to be told and while it unfolds, hundreds of others will follow it, all leading to the final chapter – the end of time and what should remain, will be but an imprint in the wake of existence and a continuum that never was.