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101 Blogs
By Khorum Ahmed
Copyright © 2013 Khorum Ahmed
Mindless Junk
‘I can honestly say that I am the most laziest person you could ever find. I never attempted to do anything meticulous, nor muster the energy to get something done.’
I guess anyone can say that.
Putting in the hours on something that you have never come across in your life before, leaves you feeling stretched and lethargic. At times it will give you the motivation to linger away from being a layabout and telling yourself that this could be the change that you have been looking for. For the very thing that could turn your life around, or come close to it.
I can’t exactly remember why I chose to write blogs. I guess it was easier to put my ideas on short paragraphs so that I could fine-tune on those details that made all the difference. Details. People say that the more detail you put into something, the more it means something. I guess I really didn’t know what that meant until I had started writing.
Another why?
Writing. Of all the things I could have chosen to do, writing was now the very thing that I became attached to.
All the spare minutes and hours that I have put into writing so far has brought me to this point. I have a slight notion on the direction that I now want to take, the reason for this very book!
Now – most of the blogs were notes scrawled on both sides of notepad and countless scrap bits of paper (which I have kept to this day) mostly crumpled, scribbled on, tea-stained, left-on-a-high-pile for months waiting for me to be bothered to process the information.
There was no real inspiration and no motivation that could get me into the ‘Writer’s Zone’ to start drafting my first chapters ... like I said, lazy.
Looking back, the most important things were the notes that I painstakingly wrote and now instead of battling the art of writing with a pen as my sword I repetitively type away on a computer every night trying to make sense of a yet unclear, completely imagined universe, full of tales surrounding one pivotal idea – Time Travel.
Perhaps the most important thing is to consider the value of those notes, after all they have helped to write the blogs that you are about to read. In my own words, they focus on reality and their interpretation on what-ifs and choices in life, destiny, dreams and other mindless junk our brain turns into trivial thoughts.
#001––Painting the Picture of Life
There’s a right and a wrong for everything, but how do we decide which path to take?
In our lifetime we are given a billion-and-one pieces of advice. Where we can choose to heed their words or to ignore them. Our paths determine the person we are to become. A yes and a no, a choice, laid out before us ready to claim purchase.
Where in such times we have to ignore reason and go with the wrong path, because sometimes doing the wrong thing could in turn be right.
Sometimes we have to make a decision that will be wrong in most eyes, but right for the rest, but who are we to let them decide what’s best for us (only we know what’s best).
We live in a world where we challenge ourselves to reach impossible goals. Striving to be more than who we are, trying to aim higher than those before us. To live longer. To discover every inch of the universe and to pertain answers to age-old questions when answers are riddled and left unsolved.
An infinitive amount of paths to take, paths that paint the paves of our lives … hoping to canvas a magnificent masterpiece, to be remembered when our hour is up.
This blog was to express the fact that everyone bears unique characteristics that no one will ever have. Each of us, one in six billion, no one onwards or has been, anything like us.
People have the right to walk on the path that they want and maybe, in the end, their path may paint a thousand stories.
As we, at different points in our lives, try to ask ourselves what or who we want to become, we take a leap into fantasy and come crashing back down to reality to find ourselves defeated before the image that we want to intercept.
#002––Fantasy Vs. Reality
We all like to live in a world full of fantasy, from time to time. It’s what makes us whole ... complete.
We can be anything our heart desires. From being a superhero, to the most ordinary person one tries to imagine. Where we can choose the rules. Where we say what’s in and what’s out and where we can reach our full potential with no regret or worry of the consequences.
The fantasy to be all and anything we want.
Our goal. Our dream. Our right to become anything and everything we so wish! But even fantasy has trouble against reality. For reality will define you and make you anything but fantasy. In the end who are we to question? Can we not say we want both? Or do opposites never attract?
Do we have to live in a world where it’s one and not the other? Where people will decide what’s best for us. Where we have no say and no right to speak out of turn.
Are we to say no to fantasy even though it’s always the place we go to when we’re sad, hurt or even frightened?
Where we can dream of the impossible or turn back time to leave our mark.
Who are we to say that fantasy does not have a place in our heart?
In the end we are only human and we can dream of better, we can dream of wealth, we can dream of power. We can dream of immortality.
We can make this reality.
For without reality there really is no fantasy.
Opposites were made as two halves of the same thing and without them there is no good or evil. No light or dark. No life or death. No right or wrong.
No fantasy without reality.
This next blog involves the divide that we find people facing. It was written merely to ask why people prefer to be kept divided and how in the end unity makes us stronger.
#003––United or Divided?
As we stand at the Gates of Unity, we see ourselves divided.
Though we are of different colour, background and beliefs – what we fail to register, is that we are the same – the human race.
Are we not, in more ways than one, all linked to each other?
Through life we begin to question, what is the point of it all? Why do we live when we will eventually die? We can only hope that the fraction of a millisecond (compared to the whole of time) that we stay in existence, will have some sort of an impact on history – to remember the times we were breathing, the times we were living.
Why, with all the wars and the death that follows, do we keep fighting? Has peace forgotten us or have we all turned a blind eye to gain power, as we neglect those we know to become above them.
Though we come from all walks of life, we are all on the same road, the end that awaits us all.
With all the differences in the world, an invisible divide has kept us separate in different groups, different races and different religions.
But what’s to say that we cannot live together? Or are we all to fight until one reins supreme? Are we to destroy our own existence just for the sake of power?
Deep down do we want unity or do we prefer to be divided?
Taking a break from the usual everyday agendas, I then took a leap into the realms of imagination and human intervention and how both are two opposite forces that always repulse each other. How imagination is the very obstacle that humans have a hard time in converting into something real.
#004––Atmospheric Inhalation
Who among us can tell us of our future? Will our race seize to exist one day? Will the biology of being human remain pure when we step on firm ground belonging to another planet?
As we breathe the atmosphere of Earth, it keeps us alive and huma
n, but what’s to say that the atmosphere on a different planet could potentially alter our DNA. When some planets might only force us to breathe in different measures or prolong our existence, at a cost. What’s to say that other planets that we might touch in the distant future, might even evolve us in different ways?
What’s to say that there might be other phenomena out there right now? What if the universe is waiting for the human race to glide past their homeland and become alien, as we breathe from different atmospheres.
Maybe the word alien is to describe us as a race. Are we not alien to the universe?
The word ALIEN means something new, something different. In ways we are alien to the universe as it has not seen the human race touch ground on any other planet, not really and not in flesh.
Will we one day be forced to move from Earth onto another planet? As everything has its time and everything dies, one thing is for sure – Earth, the Sun, the Universe and everything in it (and all those things about to come) will end.
All we can do is observe it, whilst we ourselves remain in breath, whilst we still have a chance. Fate will have us stand in the right place at the right time when its our turn, to truly harness the beauty of what we were born into.
Now moving on to the epitome of ourselves. The image that we want to leave as an impression of the time that we were here, of the time our very existence will write the history to come – the futures past.
#005––Leaving Our Mark
From being the President of America, an Author who sold hundreds of millions of books, a physicist who discovered a Theory, to a man who grows up to make billions of dollars from scripts of code that changes the face of the world we live in.
How do we leave our mark?
Our existence gives us a small chance in being remembered for generations to come, but how can we make sure that our future remembers us?
What does it take to have a lasting impact in history?
Do we have to become President or have an idea that changes the face of tomorrow to make our mark in history as one of the most iconic people of our age?
What we all forget is that we can take some sort of action to have people remember us by: for what we stood for, for what we believed in and what we fought for.
An effect that we can leave behind after we pass through this world ... a journey to venture, a final to greet.
Because in all fairness, it is those we know who are going to carry on our work when we are gone. The people who we look up to us. The people who make a difference in our lives. The people who ignore what others think and do what they feel is right, no matter the personal or emotional cost to themselves.
We (ourselves) have the right in freedom of speech, yet we are governed by laws that keep us from the truth and tell us what we can and can’t do. Is this really the life that we asked for?
History has many tales to tell, some of heroic symbols, some of lies, some of truth and some that inspire us to be better, stronger and successful.
Who are we to let people tell us what to do? The time for change is now: let us do what we feel is right and argue to those who say different.
We are here, we are now.
A bit of food for thought for this next one. Now people don’t understand the power of words.
We see them on television, we hear words being spoken on the radio, we write them, observe them, read them and yet they are taken for granted, all too often.
The more we take them in, the more knowledgable we become and everything fits into place.
As we begin to take in information, things become clearer and start to mean more than just letters arranged on a page. They become inspiration, they become ideas ... they carry on.
#006––Words for Life
Words are absolute.
They give us religion, language, culture and history. They give us memorable songs, inspiring novels and unforgettable films. They make us laugh when we are sad, they defend us when we are accused, they remind us when we forgot.
Words don’t have to be written. They can be expressed as body language, as sign language, they can be said in code, in symbols and in ciphers.
Words were one of the first things we heard when we were born and will be with us forever.
When wrote well, words will tell of us, they will write us in history … they will remember us.
Words come to us in various forms. Words define who we are.
Words are absolute.
Destiny has always been a factor in which people’s lives have already been written and everything that is about to happen is predestined. Fate being the path in which will lead the way. However, if this is to be believed, then what is left to free will? And are we not to have the choice to choose freewill over destiny? Or inaction change our fate?
#007––The Paths We Choose
There are many paths open before us, they appear in every decision, every opportunity … every moment in our lives.
Some exciting, some challenging and some that lead us astray, but who are we to say which path is best suited for us?
We mostly struggle in making decisions and sometimes (when we least expect it) we are put in the deep end to make a quick decision, where we look past the law, to do things to protect those we love. Sometimes we have to do things against our own beliefs and against everything that we stand for to serve a higher purpose.
We have to act upon instinct, that’s what is meant to be human. Our actions will defy us. Sometimes the very things that we stand for are stripped away from us, forcing us outside our comfort zone.
When that moment roots us to the ground, it is the actions we deliver then that will judge our whole existence, our whole life … that moment in which we will reveal our true colours.
For those few moments: they will show us for what we really are.
A foot in another direction and destiny lingers yet again, this time focusing on individuality. The idea behind this blog was to question the intentions of change. How the only person who can change you is yourself and how you can never achieve this until you admit that you need change.
#008––Sole Destiny
As we prize ourselves to become all that we hope to achieve, we fail to register the one thing that keeps us going, the very thing that changes our perspective … the thing that makes us achieve our potential – motivation.
Whether we are motivated by an act of someone inspirational who has made a significance in our personal lives, someone who you have never met, but relate to their moral values, their memorable lyrics, their words, their captivating array of motion pictures.
Motivation is what gives us the energy, the buzz, the ability to seek out the path in which we choose to take. Where we look at our roots and decide what it is we want to mould ourselves into.
What we need, what we must have is motivation.
We look in the mirror to see the person we want to, one day, have looking back at us and to realise that that person … is you. The person that you hoped to become, the person that you fought each and a day to become, the person you worked hard to ensure you were becoming … the person you hope you will be remembered by.
For then, when we choose who to become. We have to plan and calculate the tasks and potential that will be needed to mould the perfect image.
We have to mentally and physically prepare ourselves and hope to get noticed on the way.
We have to set an example, become the role models we thought we would never become and change the very matte that we have clung onto and grabbed at chance. To change the way we were, to become the person that would be more valued, more respected … more wanted.
For we all want to be better ... we all want to be somebody else, to be remembered for what we did and what we believed in … we all want to remembered for who we became.
Time zones was the focus of the next blog.
It’s funny how a mind can easily jump from one thought to another. I guess this blog will become on
e of those “book-fillers”, like you would find a song or two in an album to fill in the space.
Written only because there is a pause between something worth writing and writing something for the hell of it. This, is the one.
Tick tock.
#009––Regular as Clockwork
Each and everyday clockwork rules our very steps. It tells us what hour we are living through, what day we walk by in, what seasons surround us and embrace the very matter around us.
Where the face of a clock is different for each corners of the world, each zone in a country. Were we glance at a clock to tell us when we should wake up and when we should be asleep.
It decides when we should start and when we finish.
It projects in many manners of media, it defines the way we work, the way we live and the way we think.
Moving around those small twenty-four hours of a day, the ones that tick by, counting down, never ending as we soon work out that each minute gone is a minute closer to the approach of our final hour.
For clockwork can be a reminder of what we did, what we are doing and what will be done. It prepares us, it challenges us … it monitors us.
Self-image and role models are the agenda for the next blog. A look into what image we want people to see us as, a reflection of ourselves interpreted by others.
We try to reflect the image that we want ourselves to be perceived by others and yet we try to impress those around us in hope to stand out from amongst the crowd.
#010––Upon Reflection
We look up to most adults in our world: we have a selection from different genres, different backgrounds and different beliefs, but we all find ourselves hoping to be a part of each of those qualities.
Parts of them, small things such as what they watch, what their interests are … what they stand for. Taken then like chunks of clay and moulded into the image we see ourselves, to perfect every angle of what we see ourselves to be.