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  We use what we see on television and in those that touch our lives to be the guideline for who it is that we want to grow into.

  Upon reflection it is said you are your past. Meaning that those before you are the ones that you are going to become. Isn’t it up to us, to be who we choose to be? To say what we want to say? And believe what we want to believe?

  Why are we to be destined to be like our past? When change is around us, when time moves on and urges all to change with it and not get left behind or forgotten.

  And why do so many people go out of their way to make everyone be like them. When they would inflict any means or course of action to keep things as they are, out of fear of change.

  Why when people see you for your past do they brand you for what those before you have done. The image you know you have been drawn as, the image that you yourself know that you are not.

  Why should we answer to the actions of our past? – Can you not judge us for what we stand for now? For what we are trying to achieve, for what we are trying to do?!

  Changing ourselves in one of the most difficult things an individual can do. We all loathe to change, but we all know that we need it. It matters and it defines the person we want to change into.

  #011––Change Matters

  Change is everything we fear, everything that is not what we desired, but what is handed to us.

  Most of us will try to avoid it, while others will gather courage and welcome change with open hands.

  While change will portray a different version of the once comfortable life we lived in, we then learn that change is the very thing that will make us different. It will question what we thought we knew about the world, it will ask us why we did what we did and show us the various options that have now come to light as change has shaped our lives.

  Change is the very thing that will make us who we are. Change can make us better or worse than we are, but change is not so harsh, if we use it to our own advantage we can use change to make a difference in the scope of what we thought we knew.

  Change is universal, but people won’t look passed belief, passed what they were brought up to know. What people don’t realise, is that change is everywhere ... you can’t run, nor can you hide from it.

  Change or get left behind.

  Moving on to how people see us as who we are, seen by the eyes others. People will look at you differently. Each person will have their own opinion and judgement of you, but it’s your attitude to their response that counts.

  #012––The Outer Humanity

  We judge others on what we see on the outside, the cover. What we throw at the back of our mind, it’s what is inside that matters. When a person will judge you for what you look like and not for what you stand for.

  A mask is what people see, what a person wants to see and doesn’t care for the face underneath.

  When people say: “Don’t judge a book by its cover!”, that is exactly what we do. For this, the Outer Humanity, is what we will be judged by. Failing to discover and never to see the person underneath.

  That is when we have to show those who judged us, that we are not the person they once thought. When we have to go out of our way to remain respectful and professional at the cost of being branded.

  When they will realise in the end the true person underneath, the person they thought we were. The person that they turned a blind eye to. The person that will change their perspective and stand with broad shoulders, offering a hand nevertheless.

  Dreams have always been distorted, strange and sometimes a better example of our lives; but it is our own dream, our goal, when we are awake that outweighs any dream that you have had so far. A reality you want to make for yourself to make the days that much more thrilling.

  #013––The Foresight to Dream

  If we held the knowledge of what is yet to come, would we use said knowledge to overpower the thought of possession? Would we risk the change of future history? Would it change our perspective to harness someone else’s idea and use it for our own gain?

  Would it show us the true light? A hope for something unique, something richer, something healthier … something that bit more better?

  Knowing what lies beyond the corner could give us a reasonable advantages, but do we really want to know the next step? Would that allow us to determine if we would want to go around the corner or allow us to take a pause and think carefully before making such a rash decision and indeed taking a different path?

  The corner was your original path, but if you choose not to follow the predestined path, how would that alter our destiny? Would it matter if we changed the reality in which we thought was true, or would that create an endless chain of reactions that would undoubtedly stop us or indeed destroy us.

  Our instinct and other traits as human beings come with boundaries, like trying to stop yourself falling backwards when you feet are slipping on ice and your arms are wind-milling madly trying to regain balance or like moving your hands from over the flame of a lighter before you get burnt.

  It’s that sort of quality we have as humans. However, there is one that most of us display almost everyday: kindness.

  #014––The Act of Kindness

  What we see all around us, is the state of our world. Where we see wars, destruction and the desire of power, with the means of getting it regardless of the negative impact that it throws upon the innocent.

  Although we (those select few) who have a chance to make a difference stumble at the heat of our game, when the opportunity arises.

  Where we see the hate, the villainy … the chaos that endangers lives and when we turn our heads and block out such actions.

  In the end when we realise our mistake, our wrong judgment, we decide then to take a stand.

  Taking all that aside, what we must all achieve: Is the single act of kindness. Where that act could be complementing someone or greeting someone you wouldn’t normally greet. Making a difference, an impact that changes someone’s life for the better or even just making them laugh or even smile.

  The act of kindness is what makes the world a better place to live in. So brighten someone’s day for a change.

  As we live our life, we feel like we are waiting for our time to be up. People have described life in many ways and each more fascinating than the last and I guess, that this is my own take on life and how we see it.

  #015––The Passage of Time

  Life is like a platform of a train station.

  In almost every aspect of our lives, we are merely sitting, waiting, on the platform for life to bring us new adventures, new meaning, and new hope.

  We are all waiting for our train to take us to the next chapter after our journey’s end. When our time has come, when we are supposed to leave the world to grab hold of what is to come next. We find our train waiting patiently for us when our time has finally arrived to leave the world.

  We jump onto and off the train at different stations where it will eventually take us to death, but while we are living while the train is still journeying up to the ends of the track, what we call a near death experience, will find some people living on the edge – testing life.

  Some will live their lives sitting on the platform waiting for their train to arrive. Some will dare to test their time by running on the tracks. Some will even sit on the train, moving from one adventure to the next until their time comes.

  We all find ourselves on the passage to the platform that symbols our lives, the train that will carry us to our ultimate end and the track that we dare to run on to test life, to tease death or even challenge it.

  We all must board our train at some point, but the question is: Will we sit on the platform living our lives as we want? Board the train, because we know our time is nearing, to accept the journey to the end of our lives? Or run on the tracks, tossing the coin to see if you can outlive another day, taking a chance for survival?

  Watch out for your train.

  I guess that each person leads a
n eccentric life, some end up doing everything that they had set out to do, others who aren’t as lucky and end up doing things short of a Bucket List.

  Our lives mark us down, each of us, of the things we do or want to do, it leaves an impression of people and the things we have left behind.

  Everything we do, everything that we leave behind will have a trace of us that will linger in the thoughts and the memories of those that we had crossed paths with before. A template of our impression is left behind after we are gone.

  #016––A Pictureless Frame

  As we grow up we think of all the possibilities that are laid out before us, the person that we want to become, the things that we want to do, but when the time comes, we struggle in figuring out who it is we are to become.

  We have the idea to be whoever we choose. We can do anything as long as we focus and prepare ourselves. Exercise our mind and feed our thirst for knowledge.

  Only we can achieve our goals, only we can decide our fate … we who can prize ourselves to evolve into whatever we want.

  We who can change a pictureless frame into a picture that paints a thousand stories.

  The Picture of Life.

  We all have an idea of how we want to live our lives. Some do things to leave behind for others when they leave this world and other will choose to live each day as it comes.

  Impressions are always left behind, an imprint of the time that we were here and knowing this, some will live their lives trying to make imprints for people in their lives, to have them remembered, to have their imprints know and heard.

  #017––Impressions of Life

  At some point in our lives we find ourselves looking back and wondering, how do we want to be remembered? Most of us couldn’t care less, living our life for the moment, not caring about the people they will leave behind. Some will work most of (or around) their life to preserve what they have worked and earned to save for their loved ones, their family’s and friends, to leave something behind.

  Our impressions are taken in consideration, each and every waking moment. Some will try to perfect the image of themselves; some will tread carefully to leave an impression for people to follow by.

  We need to ask ourselves: What impression do we want to be remembered by?

  At times, people come to the point in their lives when they decide that they want to leave things to others that would have them be remembered by. Many people leave Wills for their families and for those who have made an impact in their lives.

  #018––How You Want to Be Remembered

  From time to time a person will question who they want to be.

  At this point everything that you have done so far seems to be rendered as a complete waste of time and there seems to be no bright future on the horizon.

  There are numerous amounts of possibilities of what anyone can become, but because of our nature we tend to limit ourselves and see things as “realistic” as possible, this is far from the truth. So far that if you squash a piece of paper into a tight ball, hold it in the air and throw it so far that it ends up being a mere black dot in the sky, you might come close to the truth.

  The truth being that a person, no matter their background, their upbringing, their achievements and their paths: a person can and should become what they dream of.

  Though everyone says you need a good education to get anywhere in life, what people fail to register, what they like to oversee, is that education can only get you so far. The things that you need, the thing that everyone should have is an equal measure of experience.

  There is no script, no protocol, just saying and words that come from the heart and from the mind.

  We live our lives noticing coincidences. We try to make them connect to try and solve what we think might lead to something big in our lives. It is coincidence that makes us aware of something that we might have heard or seen before and have it happen again.

  #019––Coincidences in Reality

  There are many coincidences in reality that give us false hope or lead us to something tangible in reality. Something that we have perceived and occurs in real life.

  Something that happens as we watch it, sometimes its a false vision and sometimes we realise what we have perceived occur moments or weeks after the foresight.

  It is useful to remember these visions and watch out for coincidences, because it can lead to an approach that might need to be chanced or one that needs to be seen.

  There are a lot of premonitions that people perceive, most of these happen in dream-state and are played out before us with or without us knowing.

  Some people have used the visions against its own nature and have intervened in real time to act out according to their own rules. Whether that would be for personal gain or to save someone or something, or prevent a disastrous occurrence.

  This one is for those of us who see the world in our own light. Now, the idea behind this blog was to see what it would be like to have shared knowledge, wealth and understanding.

  #020––The Collective Souls

  In their entirety, the human race can set a collective knowledge that can get us to space, knowledge that would be argued as the most valuable resource we could have, probably in the whole of the universe. Yet, this leaves much room for individual balance.

  We all have at least one story in us, but if one chooses not to write theirs then another person (in theory) would obtain an extent of that story, or one of their own and become prolific. Maybe that’s why we have writers that have hundreds of books. Maybe those stories that people were supposed to write came into a Writer’s mind when they decided not to pen it.

  Together we can all afford each other, we can fill our stomachs daily, live in safety, free from poverty and war. However, wealth remains divided, knowledge is spread yet left forgotten.

  As a human race we can outlive most things, we can have a collective knowledge that will have us travel through the universe and could solve many unanswered questions.

  If everyone had equal share of money, knowledge and resources, one could only imagine how our world would have turned out.

  United, the possibilities are endless. A sum of all the intelligence of the universe could deem answers to questions that have been proven to be unanswerable. That of life, the future and of our limitations as a race to seek potential in all forms.

  #021––The Evolution of Man

  As a race we tend to outdo ourselves, we all want to reach the stars, live on another planet and even have our very own robot someday.

  Evolution comes with open arms, what will we look like physically in a say 1000 years? Will we become technologically advanced that we might easily be able to travel passed our own Solar System on a tour through the universe?

  The possibilities are endless and we can only imagine what tomorrow might bring. Whatever it is, let it be profitable, beneficial and above all plentiful.

  With so much of the universe still to experience, there are realities out there that are far greater than ours and ones where even Earth looks like a grain of sand. Reality comes in many forms and we as humans, only see a single version of it.

  #022––The Distorted Reality

  We all have our own take in what reality is like. We have our own idea of what it should be and what it can never be, but for a moment have we taken the time to consider the fact that reality could just be the mask to something more wondrous in existence than what we see each waking moment?

  Reality to us is day-in and day-out, what we have cut apart from fantasy and heed the idea that life is our ultimate reality.

  When reality is distorted we can see layers forming in line with ours.

  I guess if we distorted reality, if we changed our routine and did something bold that wouldn’t normally be in our nature, we would then have distorted the way we saw our lives and walk in someone else’s footsteps and see reality that much more different to ours.


  Blogs from the Series


  ‘The idea was to write something that had a fresh take on what people knew to be Time Travel. It came to me after one scrapped idea to another and then through numerous rewrites and changes in the overall plot.’

  The storyline of CURSES OF TIME has been one of the most thought-provokingly challenging writes I have encountered so far. There have been many other stories that I have came up with to fit alongside this universe and those will be written in due course.

  Its theme was always going to be related to Time Travel, lets face it. The idea was to write about a Time Traveller, being the first of his kind, whose own powers were outlawed and the very thing that time needed. The Time Traveller would be destined to take his rightful Seat. Oh! ... and time would put him through his paces.

  The Time Traveller would be put through similar Verges (three challenges that time will give any of its Candidates). With the burden of healing time, he would have to ensure that Continumental Laws were re-enforced, Singes were contained and the Matter-Fabric was left uncontaminated.

  Many have awaited for his arrival. People have grew up hoping that they would see a glimpse of him in their lifetime and now more than ever before, a Master of Time is needed to take the reins and protect the existence.

  Beginning in the pre-collapse of time, it was to be the inevitable tale of one who would become the next Master and how his journey would be met in the approach of the final hours of Time.

  Small beginnings unfold.

  From the smallest of details to the generalised plot, everything in the world of CURSES OF TIME has been created due to the fact of collective notes. A big part of the planning process was the creation of Anselopha and Character Profiles.