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  I had to ensure that my story-lines where character-driven, that meant that a character (or a several) would tell the story, because of the extensively of the whole scope of the plot, I knew that from the Main Series (Curses of Time) I would have to compensate, cut chunks, from the series and write individual books for characters surrounding the tale of the Time Traveller, these will be called: Continumental Novels.

  #023––A Tale Born of Notes

  It began with a single idea: Time Travel. It grew from there in notes that were scribbled on bits of scrap paper. Several very chunky large A4 envelopes remain sealed at the back of my wardrobe.

  Notes are the very ideas that I have tried to create a storyline out of. I guess it’s the smallest detail that counts when writing. I never truly understood that until I began layering in plots, characters, scenes, etc, and making something out of it.

  The more I wrote, the more I began to realise that a story of something is not as paramount as the depth that you put in it. The more you place detail in even the dullest points of the books could mean be the difference between magic and a balloon flying aimlessly until all the air inside has dispersed.

  Time had progressed in forward motion for billions of year and now that’s been disrupted. For all the things that time has sacrificed to keep us going, it has since been trying to cope with its own existence. Before its own time is up, it will look towards a Master to tend to its needs and to help it find a way to stay forever continual.

  #024––Continual Ever After

  It is said that when time ended for a split second, it grabbed at all of reality to find another way to stay in existence. It stretched to the depths of space and the ends of the universe in search of new ground. Only to discover that its own time would soon be up. So it ran far throughout the continuum in hope to acquire a new means in staying continual.

  I always wondered what it would be like to live in non-existent time and it was this idea (and this blog) that gave me the scope of the CURSES OF TIME series. The next Master will be engulfed in this reality and he would have to be the one to save Time in order or save the entire existence.

  #025––Time Fought and Lost

  Time was meant to last forever.

  Well, that’s what we had hoped! It had given us so much and in return we left it to grow freely without fear of being controlled or handled. There was no doubt that we were grateful to time for keeping us in forward motion, for its valour in time’s when it sacrificed its own Matter-Fabric to watch as we unfolded a great history in it’s wake.

  In all of it’s existence, time saw the best and worst in us all, but we were not as kind. Many of us found ways to travel through time and even more to control it. With all this, time’s life span was shrinking as we dug deeper in its potential. With it’s qualities laid bare, we stripped what we could to use for our personal gain.

  We soon came to learn that time (just like life, just like the universe and everything in it) had to come to an end and we were the cause of it.

  So it did the only thing it knew.

  It – fought – back.

  With time struggling in the wake of an end, it had to erase the future to keep itself running, though everything of the future is not lost, it is being rewritten in the image of time’s struggle and the times to come.

  #026––The Fated Future

  Now with a future robbed of its forthcoming, stolen before its inception … to be replaced by time’s dying form. It comes with the price of knowing nothing of its potential and with prediction at the roll of a die.

  Rumours spread far and wide of the things to come. Some say that the new future will hold true to the continuum and that it would be a measure that will test time to its limits. It will take the Master many lifetimes before it can take hold of its new found support of existence.

  Now with an uncertainty to the endless possibilities to come, what might this future hold? For the things to see, the adventures to come … the journeys that will unfold in the wake of the dawn of the Master of Time.

  What will become possible?

  I then moved on to set up a main Protagonist and an Antagonist. The thought process of this blog stretched far and wide and it was not long ago when I came to this conclusion. I did indeed start off with having a Time Traveller as the Protagonist and I then had to think of an opposing force that could match him and then I thought, what about a Seer? What about the very person who could see glimpses of possible futures and make him a villain?

  So now the protagonist would have time to save and a Seer to fend off – not to mention the countless enemies that would come to try and stop him from taking the Seat as Master.

  #027––Time Traveller Vs. Seer

  With all the things a protagonist is against, there is no worse a condition for being a Bearer of Time and having the responsibility to fix the Matter-Fabric. It will be an arduous journey throughout the whole continuum and a set of lifetimes to fix what state time finds itself in – at the same time have an arch villain who is always one step ahead; once being a Bearer to Time and ending up controlling it.

  Aric was his name, he was one of the few who had the power to see possible futures, though the powers of Seers are limited with Visions only showing glimpses of their own life (different versions played in their mind), they can, from time to time, see things out of their own perspective.

  Since Aric brought about the Battle of Life and Death, he has been locked up in a Timeless Energy Field, there to serve for all of eternity, but even he knows that no form or structure can hold him down for long.

  Waiting and planning for his return, he knows that he will be set free at any moment and when he touches real time, he will finish what he has started, to control time for himself!

  There has not been a Time Traveller in existence before and now he comes in the wake of time’s ultimate end. Arcturus had indeed promised that any form of Time Travel would be outlawed.

  So how does a Time Traveller be predicted to become the next Master of Time?

  #028––The Art of Time Travel

  Is there possibly other ways in travelling through time other than stepping into a Time Machine? Are we limited to having practical elements as a means of Time Travel or can we physically travel in time by harnessing times energy?

  It seems apparent that with time’s energy there will be more benefits that we could gain from time.

  Though Time Travel seems the only obvious benefit that we can obtain, there are also other things that we could gain from it.

  Such things as different sorts of portals: whether they be normal portals to transport us to whether our heart desires, take us to the past to observe what we think is our history and in fact discover the real truth. Where we can freeze time, where we can jump from one world to another, and even, just by chance, be able to change or rewrite the state of time without having any sort of paradox(es) creeping up on us.

  Where would we get this energy from? How could we harness it so that we can manipulate its source and richness without any ill effects to us?

  Wouldn’t it be great to jump from one point in space or time to another in the matter of seconds? It has been done before and even though there are measures put in place to prevent it, there is room for Timely Malfunctions to allow such things to happen.

  #029––The Cross–Dimensional Jump Through Time & Space

  If we were to hop from one place to another, would that benefit us greatly?

  Would we use it to get to work in the morning, have lunch in a different country or even use our jumps to help others? Would we stand out and introduce a line of defence? Would we desire in changing the world?

  What would we do if we could jump anywhere in the world? Would we be creative? Imaginative? Or would we use it for personal advantages?

  Would we observe our world to see it’s greatness, it’s potential … it’s limited life-span of beauty?

  One thing is for sure: we won’t be able to stay in one place for much

  There have been countless Timely Malfunctions that have occurred in time’s struggle. 3Circle energy has always been a complex matter. Though people have decrypted its basic structure there have been known cases where such reactions can leave Bearers baffled.

  #030––Matter Disruptions

  In some cases, where there is atmospheric disturbance, it can be a cause of many factors that can range from (exposure of 3Circle energy) causing reaction or irritation as a side effect (or exposure) to Humans, Beings or Seers.

  When close or in contact with a particular 3Circle energy you could gain Supernatural Powers or it could change your entire biology (depending on the nature or power of the type of energy that hits you).

  There are other attributes that can be gained from 3Circle energy, with the right skills and the right type of Glove, you can harness and manipulate its core structure to rustle up a cocktail of different energies together, to create a more resilient, more powerful element.

  Arcturus, Cygnus and Orion are the only known Masters. There have been none since. Their time was the stuff of legend, they defended the continuum from natural disasters, ended wars between existences, bought peace, law and order, rich sources of energy and became the divide between crime and justice. Their word was law and people embraced them with pride and honour.

  #031––The Masters of Time

  The Masters assumed that time was everlasting. They thought that it held the riches for all manner of life and yet it had held a collection of worlds (known only as the Continuverse) intertwined into the very Matter-Fabric of time and space. From this the Masters thought time could mould itself into it’s own image without a helping hand.

  Time showed it’s struggles and inflicted an aggressive tear in its Matter-Fabric. The Masters learnt that time was in the process of it’s adolescence and needed a firm and encouraging hand to see it through.

  It was not a simple feat, there were unusual and unpredictable events that occurred which showed time as a delicate matter without measure or equal.

  ARCTURUS wrote Continumental Law. He was the father of the three and was considered as a patriot to time. He was banded together with Cygnus and Orion to secure the right in becoming one of the three Masters and introduced an Order to enforce his Laws, they were known as, Orilians.

  CYGNUS discovered the three Silver Suns and had set up Bureaus (in each of the worlds of the Continuverse), to ensure that they were protected and governed through the Gatorial Allegiance. In his travels through the Continuverse he made sure that people were provided for and that security ran in all corners. Cygnus remained as Advisor to Arcturus.

  ORION was the first to control 3Circle energy. He intertwined several different Matter and placed them into Orbs which he later called Sun Spheres. Orion later became mentally unstable and encountered an anti-matter which overloaded his mind and inaction killed Arcturus and Cygnus.

  The void has remained untouched for billions of years. The Masters were the first to traverse through it, no unauthorised person is allowed through the void and those who use it without a Glove have been known to have disintegrated.

  #032––Into the Vortex

  Throughout the Prime Worlds there are pockets (or Gaps) that act like bridges or tunnels that can be used to cross into the Continuverse. Though you can cross through quite easily there is however the question of knowing the right place and time the Gaps will open and there is no telling when this may be.

  There are some indications where you can figure out when they open, to do this requires skill and dedication. Only a few people, mainly Seers, have been able to cross into the Continuverse, however Government Officials use Ports to gain access to the Continuverse and to this day there are laws which forbids such crossings.

  The Void however is the first and last point of the entire continuum and to travel through this (instead of Gaps through Worlds) you would, in theory, be travelling through time and that above all is forbidden.

  Time has always been a complex structure. It has evolved exponentially over a century and stands like a tower of cards. As it evolves, it brings with it many new forms of itself. 3Circle energy has been around for billions of years and thanks to that it has given us many factors that we see in the world today, such things as, portals, matter and Timeless Energy Fields, etc.

  #033––The Evolution of Time

  Just like life, time has many chapters that it will speak of. There will be many stages that time has to offer as it keeps progressing (ageing). It will define it’s own rules to create new ways and different forms of itself.

  As time ages through it’s long existence, its Matter-Fabric will grow stronger in extension and in depth. It will herald new energy and unfold it’s own darkest corners. As time continues, it will embed itself in all sorts of matter, where it will intertwine throughout the universe.

  A whole new form will take place. Time will become a tremendous energy that will change its own character through evolution. It will take on many faces and different forms as it’s Matter-Fabric changes. Time will evolve into unimaginable states.

  Time could run from a second to a minute to an hour and so on, much as it has since the Big Bang. It could change it’s effects to elastic time, running from slow periods then skipping through the hours. Time could have a cross-timeline effect, where it will run impressions of itself throughout it’s past existence in random order.

  Even showing possibilities of what the future might hold, unraveling the past and even showing the state of Time’s own natural Matter-Fabric. Ever since time came to be, it has been involved in the creation of planets, stars and life.

  As it ages it begins to evolve and at the time of the Continumental Paradox, it will become unstable as its wounds begin to display the effects of its own destruction.

  Since its recent evolution (well before recording in the early 1800s, first recorded in 1746) it has created various arrays of time and in many forms that have been used, manifested and manipulated, things such as:


  Silver Suns


  3Circle energy

  Sun Spheres


  Different types of time

  Time Storms

  Atmospheric/ Matter Disruption

  New dimensions

  Timeless Energy Fields


  Beings with Supernatural Powers

  New forms of stars

  Timeless Energy Fields exist in different points in space and time. They are the foundation of time and though the Fields come in different shapes and forms, they exude timeless energy and once inside, time does not flow and you could be trapped inside indefinitely.

  #034––Timeless Energy Fields

  An area where time is not relevant or does not exist – without these fields time cannot hope to exist!

  Rumours speaks of a Timeless Energy Field that is used to those who have protected time (who have crossed over into them), to watch over Earth and will appear only to a Master for guidance and assistance. Their spirit will loom as a part of time that will live as long as time exists.

  Antari has been a word that has circulated the whole continuum numerous amounts of times, people wait and hope that they get to see them in their lifetime. Twelve Guardians will rise to become the League that will serve the next Master.

  #035––The Antari

  It is said, that a Time Traveller would one day become a Master. That he would be at the helm of a band of Guardians: The Antari and that on their new homeland they would watch time fall in spectacular magnificence, before they bring about the dawn of a new age of time.

  Through his journey and the many challenges that time will throw at him before he can be awarded his title as Master of Time, hundreds of stories will unfold in his wake all around him … all leading to the final chapter. He will be the first to have access to time’s full potential and be able to protect and observe the very Matter-Fabric in which it manifests from.
  Though it will not be an easy journey, the Time Traveller will be against many foes in countless worlds, where time itself will distrust him and where he will struggle in travelling throughout the continuum and upholding Continumental Laws in a desperate attempt to save time from its own fatal end. Of all of its qualities, its potential and its capabilities … time will become a paradox to it’s own existence.

  A lot is riding on the Time Traveller and even though his authority will be undermined and he will be seen as a threat to time, he must do what it takes to prove to time and the existence that he has the right to protect it and to serve it willingly.

  #036––Expectations of a Time Traveller

  There are many articles in history that tell a generous amount of stories of the Time Traveller’s adventures. Met by all manner of existence and walked on many worlds and countless planets … a destiny intertwined with historic figures throughout the continuum. How he embraced many types and tides of time and of how he mastered it to it’s next generation.

  The Time Traveller walked through the Halls and see each and every bit of its soul and its consistency of its Layers.

  Though time will not allow it, it will been known that Time Traveller’s have the right to go back and change original states in time, so long as those states do not harm or control time, however some cases have been known to have contradicted Continumental Laws.

  A Time Traveller has not rose before. When the time comes, the Time Traveller will be able to fix time, heal it wounds and even regenerate it.

  With the Singes multiplying by the dozen, the Time Traveller will have his work cut out, trying to preserve the state of time on his way to become a Master. Though he will not be alone, he will have many at his helm and even less to count on.

  When the going gets tough, time will limit it’s access and will retaliate in a harsh manner with a force even it cannot control.