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For time has become a curse to its own existence, with each Cycle, it struggles in its progression and in the attempt to find different and more efficient ways to remain intact it has self-harmed to the point that effects have rippled throughout the continuum.
In many points in time and space there have been a number of Singes that signal differences in the continuum. Hundreds have gone unnoticed and even more have appeared in plain sight, however brief the moment. Moreover, with more and more showing up unexpectedly, time is exposed even more and it can lead to malicious activity.
These are the traces left behind by 3Circle energy after someone has crossed worlds, travelled in time, or has done something time or space related. It can only be seen by those whose paths cross it or by those with an ability to trace such Singes and manipulate what energy remains. It is also at times, referred to the ends of portals.
Over half a century ago, Orion had created thirteen different elements that he had collected from broken Matter and had placed them into identical Orbs, he gave them a name: Sun Spheres.
#055––Sun Spheres
Thirteen different types of 3Circle energy collected in Orbs that gives the Bearer limited access to its power and when all thirteen are connected it is said that their power could have colossal impact.
Sun Spheres burn up energy as they are being used; revealing dark patches of negative matter that fade away the used energy. The denser the core the longer it will last, once its energy has been used up it is render useless.
On Arcturus’s orders Orion created the Sun Spheres. Orion created different elements and stored them in individual Orbs.
When all of the Sun Spheres are mixed together they will release a collective energy that will cause time to trip over itself and create a secondary path to enable itself guaranteed itself a safer passage than its previous path which was leading it to its end.
The plasma inside each Sun Sphere looks like a miniature Sun. When its energy is releases sunspots will begin to appear to show how much energy has been used. Once the plasma has completely been used up, the energy inside the glass will have finished.
It has not always been clear how one is chosen. Since the Masters fell, dozens of Candidates were put through their paces and all had failed since. None had become a Guardian and to this day the Defence for the Protection of Time runs thin and soon an Panthcardia will show up to take the lead and find a new Defence.
#056––Chosen By Time
There are a few ways to be chosen to become one of the Candidates. This could be by carrying out deeds to time, by stopping certain events that could potentially harm time or an act where events become beneficial towards it. There is not set deed to what time is looking for and it is always spontaneous individuals that time looks out for.
Once chosen time will place a set of challenges to see if you are worthy of protecting it. It will test both your mental and physical capabilities and will allow you to use its energy to gain Supernatural Powers.
Some of the extraordinary of Candidates that show more potential than others are selected to become a Guardian. This is seen as one of the most prestigious privileges time can give to any one person. However there is a catch, the person is put through more in-depth challenges that time through time itself where its weakest points exist.
The Guardian-to-be has to complete one simple challenge … they must create something (out of whatever they can, or create something entirely of their own) that will be beneficial in preserving time naturally.
The final step in being in control comes strongly in times opinion to who it wants looking after it. The Masters were chosen equally, because they showed great respect towards time and as it calculated all possibilities of them trying to control time or abuse their power, it found that they were true to its nature and would protect it at all costs.
You can only become Master if your intentions are solely to protect time. However time has chosen to try different methods in each stage (Keeper, Guardian or Master) depending on the person, its mood and its current state and of how damaged it is at the point of choosing.
There is only one way to know for certain if you have been chosen as a Candidate. Three significant black dots will form on the individual’s neck and that person will then be transported to the nearest or Highest Bearer, depending on the current situation.
#057––Three Black Dots
Only those who are chosen, will have three black dots (the points of a triangle) on the side of their neck.
They will then be put through series of tests to see if they have what it takes to become a Guardian. So if you see someone with three black dots on their neck, you could be in the presence of a future Master of Time! Not all that are chosen wish to protect time and it’s always unclear of what a person’s true intentions are – time cannot tell if one wishes to protect or control its nature ... it can only assume.
3Circle energy has always been a part of time, but is has since been concealed in the very heart of time. However, time is growing ever weaker and 3Circle energy has been the very Matter in which can only be understood as leakage that is produced as time struggles with its existence.
#058––3Circle Energy [Matter & Anti-Matter]
Time’s Matter (or energy) that has existed for as long as it has been around. It allows many factors, such as: allowing the use of Time Travel, allows people to harness Supernatural Power and many other factors. It has side effects that cause Time Storms and atmospheric disturbances. Time has trouble looking after its own Matter, because of its richness and extensive reach it has within the continuum, it cannot master 3Circle energy by itself for too long.
It hasn’t been spoken since the Masters and most of the Bearers have forgotten such words of the Ancient Language.
It had been noted many years ago that the very book in which the language was written in is held in Arcturus’s Timeless Energy Field and that those words (if uttered correctly) could heal time or cause harm to it.
Words of power that could be used for all manner of uses.
#059––The Ancient Language
Galayek is the language of time, it has not been uttered since the fall of the Masters and is rare amongst the existence. Only a few know its words and only a few dare to utter them and even less know most of the words. Spoken in the presence of a Master, it becomes a means of communication between Bearers.
Going back to the process of choosing Candidates, a bit more information is required. You see once chosen, a Candidates is given privileges that no other will be able to pertain and it is this path which sets the stronger minded from those who are less independently-driven. It goes without saying, those with dreams and ambitions will rise above all.
#060––Time’s Selection Process
Time choses people on the point of being near dead or completely dead. It chooses the very people it sees as being a potential Bearers. Once chosen, a person becomes a Keeper and will be given an initiation before they become a Guardian.
Masters are only chosen by time after it puts a Guardian through rigorous challenges and only if, by the end, they still are alive.
A few people have tried since the Masters fell, but they died throughout the challenges that were inflicted on them. The prophecy states that a Time Traveller would become a Master.
Time had always had Layers, there have been many Types of Time, the being the forward motion that stays in continuous Cycles – our Permisual time. Only four others have been witnessed before.
#061––Different Layers of Time
The state in which time flows naturally cannot be tampered with, in any shape or form. Any such actions could pose a threat to time’s existence and could cause paradoxical or Continumental disruption.
This refers to a state where non-existent traces of time are located (these places are referred to as fields). Without
these fields time cannot hope to exist, they are the pillars that support time and are in fixed points throughout time and space.
This state applies to multiple streams of time in simultaneous sync, this state is when time is or has intentionally (or by accident) intertwined with two or more points in time.
This state is where an element is used as a host to change the flow or structure of itself. With vast amounts of 3Circle energy there can be many mixtures of elements that time could use as a host. Depending on the newfound element there can be various effects that time can benefit or harm itself by being exposed unwillingly to the element.
This is when time grows into branches that extends out of its usual regions, this extension can create roots into new regions where time has never before penetrated, this could range from worlds where time has never existed (or has had little or no effect) or in places outside of bubble of the universe(s).
Time has been put through many strenuous situations and has never faltered in its continuity. One thing that has never been done, but known about is the process of Resetting Time, this can be done for the current Cycle or the overall extent of time so far.
#062––Resetting Time
Sometimes the nature of an intangible state is required to be reset to a former Cycle. In the sense of time, it is necessary to reset it to a previous Cycles to give the impression of continuity. Resetting time is not an easy task and requires a great amount of energy to trip it back to mark 0.
It becomes necessary to carry out this act to enable time to think that it is running a normal course when in fact it has already ran several and is now starting back to square one. This is useful if you need another chance whilst carrying out a certain act or replaying an existing events.
This is known as: Illustrian Time.
Rumours come and go, one that people place hope on are the Antari, the League of Guardians that are supposed to serve under a Master on their new homeland. Countless names of the Guardians have submerged since the prophecies inception and only twelve are chosen and thought to become the League of Guardians.
#063––The League of Guardians
Since there is no one to command the existence, the Continuverse has been without authority, leaving an imbalance in Law & Order, with this threat spreading dangerously throughout the continuum. It has been said that when the Time Traveller would rise in his journey to become a Master he will unite a League of Guardians, who will re-enforce Continumental Law under his reign.
The League are not known by the names that they were born with, but names that they will later adopt to become recognised as individuals. It is not clear how many Guardians will serve the Time Traveller, but whispers of names spread far and wide, they include (but do not limit or stretch to): ATLAS, ANDROMEDA, BOÖTES, CAELUM, CAPELLA, CASSIOPEIA, DELPHINUS, FORNAX, GEMINI, MENSA, MIRA and VEGA.
These are just the names that are believed to be true, however other names have been heard and though prophecies are regarded are absolute, some believe them to be mere prediction and place small weight on a prophecy and people are eager to see what the coming events unfold.
Yet another object of power is said to be in existence, this time it is a Black Box that is supposed to be created by Arcturus and in it contains the very secrets of time and a blueprint to it. No such Box has ever been found and some say it remains hidden in one of the hundreds of Timeless Energy Fields throughout time and space.
#064––The Black Box
There are rumours that Arcturus created a “Black Box” in which everything of time, that was, is and will become, is contained.
Myth speaks of a Timentium-Blackhole that gathers a source of infinite knowledge and information stored within the Box that is much bigger on the inside. It is passed on from one Master to another, but since the unexpected fall of the Masters, the Black Box remains lost.
Though it is hidden in plain sight, time has layered itself around the Box and to get to it you must cross the Matter-Fabric of the Continuverse to jump to its location. To bear such a precious object, comes at the cost of a sacrifice.
Little is know of the Gaps between realities and even less have walked on them, but they connect one world to another and each is different to the next. However short or long these Gaps may be, we find that they are passages into the unknown, some have lost their way, never to return. Some Gaps are almost as big as a City and some who find the paths too much to bear with.
#065––Gaps Between Realities
Within the Gaps, there are Bridges (or Platforms) that co-exist as tunnels. Each World holds a number of them and each is of different size and extent. No one can populate these tunnels, except when in the process of crossing.
Crossings have been sealed off and only Government Officials, Bearers and a handful of Departments are allowed such access to use regularly. Gaps are known as ‘Ports’.
Many Gaps hold unknown wonders and those which have yet to be traversed have dangers lurking in every corner. Crossing safely through Gaps is not guaranteed.
A change is always wanted in the world of today. No matter what system, what government and what leadership that we have, we always expect one that is more beneficial, safer and securer for the people, but part of the problem in every system is that it’s not built for everyone and making good from a bad systems seems the only logical approach to this new–found World Order.
#066––A New World Order
Considering an ever-turning wheel of a system without effects to aid and protect its people leads to the notion that such Systems are corrupt and are lead for Benefactors and not for the people.
Such Laws states that if a system does not tolerate free will to those people it was designed for, then it is the right of the People to throw off such government ... for then, it is time for a New World Order.
A prophecy speaks of a time when a Master and his League of Guardians will rise and create a New World Order to protect the people and time and bring back the days of the Masters.
There is a ranking system in place to ensure that time is protected at every point of its continual existence. Though the Lorexiuns have not been seen or heard for over a century, it becomes less likely that they will return. The fate is then left to the next in line and having failed that, the next in rank, to the point a Castor is elected and once they too have completed existence there stands not hope for times progression.
#067––Time’s Protection Hierarchy
In their time, Lorexiuns were the frontline in preserving the Matter-Fabric and monitored interference within the continuum. They elected Masters to bear time as they remained in shadow. Their powers are unknown, but are thought to be greater than any in the entire universe.
The highest in command (since the disappearance of the Lorexiuns), at the peak of their power a Master can intervene in multiple points in time to prevent paradoxes and have the right to do what is necessary to keep the Matter-Fabric uncontrolled and uncontaminated in anyway, even if it means erasing parts of time and space.
A Master has the responsibility to guide and protect time at all cost. He should tend to its needs; prevent any kind of intervention and cast Continumental Laws and punishments to rule over the wellbeing of time.
When there is no Master to take the Seat the next highest command takes responsibility until a Candidate becomes Master.
It is a Guardians sole responsibility (or joint, if there is more than one) to care and tend to time, as well as find the next Master of Time. Failing to find one, the Guardian must elect a Successor, and the Successor to elect their own, until such a time when a Master takes the Seat.
Appointed by either a Master of Guardian, Keepers are the foot soldiers. They are selected after preforming a deed to time as admissio
n. Whether from preventing an action that could have potentially harmed time, aided time in any way or other similar acts.
The final defence. An Orilian is in service when there is no one to take the Seat, especially when a Guardian has no Successor to replace them with. Only two Orilians are left in existence.
There was an Order of Panthcardians, who enforced Continumental Laws under the instruction and supervision of Eridanus who became a Guardian moments after he found the Masters dead at his feet.
#068––The Panthcardian
Once a great authority throughout the Continuverse, Panthcardians brought justice to time and punishment to those who broke the Laws. They were revered for having such a prestigious job.
Panthcardians became a mighty force, protecting the Matter-Fabric, they were huge in number and in strength. Since the Battle of Life and Death only a handful remain faithful in preserving time and as each day goes on, members turn and join the Truyens to control time against the very reason they had signed on when they became one of the Panthcardians.
It has become more that just rumour when Cygnus stumbled into worlds hidden within Anselopha. The Continuverse holds many possibilities and since it is new to all, there is worlds of knowledge, history and resources yet to be discovered.
#069––The Continuverse: Worlds Within a World
Many have told the story of such worlds. Worlds within worlds.
Something that seemed so impossible an idea that it would be worth a peak. If a person was to step into this secondary world, the Laws of Psychics would change dramatically, in some place the ground would be in the sky and vice versa, a World could be the size of an average island whilst another could be three-folds of our Universe and some worlds where the Human race has never been heard of and one where something other than time stirs.
How about a world within a world that is within another world?