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The Seat remains unclaimed by a Master and the longer it takes to find one, the less likely it will be for time to progress and in the end it may have to fend for itself against the countless enemies and even more natural disasters that will take place.
Events are moving.
#070––The Seat
Many have had their chance in claiming the Seat, but only a Master or a secondary command can take such a place.
Several people have already claimed such a prestigious honor, a Lorexiun: Arcturus (Cygnus and Orion had their own Seat as second and third in command), and Eridanus. Now with no one to fill the Seat an Orilian will take leadership at hand to find the next in line.
It is not known how, when or even why it was decided to protect time. I guess people needed to preserve the state of time in order to keep themselves in forward motion. After all we are time, as time is us.
A great Vortex connects one side of the continuum to the other.
It has been there since the creation of time and forms a tangible tunnel to all things Timentium. Singes tear the Matter-Fabric and create shortcuts (or portals) that enable Time Travel, Warps, Jumps and other forms of transport.
#071––The Timentium-Vortex
The Timentium-Vortex (or the Vortex), a whirlpool of time’s very Matter-Fabric that has been sewn to the whole continuum, flows in every corner of the Universe.
It has been known that the Vortex to spit out its energy, this has lead to the exposure of a wormhole in which its mouth pulls in the surroundings and distorts the very things that now travel through to the other end where the things that have been pulled in are spat back out.
Most things are left behind, turned to debris of all the things it has sucked in over millions of years float endlessly.
A few have been able to manoeuvre through the Vortex, but its power is too great for some to bear and without proper direction you could get lost anywhere in time and space.
Cretnus have been in existence for some time, people keep them as pets for beneficial or financial reasons. Cretnus can be any sort of animal and the only way you can tell if an animal is in fact a Cretnus is by distinct marking in their eyes.
Continumental Difference has struck a lot of things before and one that seems to occur in various places in many worlds are animals who have gained some sort of Supernatural Power, they are known as Cretnus and can do anything from manipulating Objects and people to erasing anything that comes in contact as a defence mechanism.
Cretnus’ are found in Anselopha will hold some sort of power and will differ to original forms, for example, some animals will have different traits to their normal animalistic features, some will have evolved slightly while others will be the same in every aspect and moments of danger or in instinct they will reveal their powers.
Moving on.
Now we come to the Prime Worlds, there has been many changes in authority on Earth and Anselopha and with two very distinct races working together, it is proving a challenging yet promising future for all.
From Earth to Anselopha
‘From Earth to Anselopha, an Alliance between the Prime Worlds were formed to enforce Law and Order. Bureaus were put in place to aid each of the worlds of the Continuverse.’
Having another world that sits back-to-back to Earth was always a concept that I was partial to.
To create such an extensive plot I had the choice to either go with writing an alternate version of our world or forming the whole plot in a brand new world, in the end I chose both, thus was born the Prime Worlds.
Earth would be full of humans and Anselopha would be populated with Summoners, Supernatural Beings and various other races.
I guess I would explain the Prime Worlds as two sides of the same coin, Earth being heads and Anselopha being tails. The Prime Worlds in my view are the top two cards on a tower of cards, the Continuverse being the many layers underneath the top two.
#073––Alternate London
Even though the setting is in London, there are many things left intact to resemble reality with a few changes to London’s cityscape and attributes, for instance, Nelson’s Column was been torn to shreds and replaced soon after.England is the only country that knows about the existence of Anselopha and together both Worlds hold an Alliance. London had remained the centre of Continumental Difference.
An alternate London, gives plenty of room to introduce brave new wonders. I will therefore be adding my own spin on things and will be using various locations where the plot will revolve around. Some parts will be completely fictitious, while others will have some realism attached to it.
Britain’s brightest and best were recruited, amalgamated from various places into the Order of British Intelligence, setup to defend against Continumental disasters, Guidance and Containment of Supernatural Beings (labelled as ‘Beings’ by the OBI) and services to the Country amongst other duties.
#074––Order of British Intelligence (OBI)
The British government took on an added role as an Intelligence Agency to protect Queen and Country, it is now a leader in all things Continumental. Since the discovery of Anselopha the British government have put measures in place to ensure that Earth stays a human only zone and that those who posses Supernatural Powers are given a choice, live with limited use of power to not at all in restricted zones or emigrate to Anselopha where practices are a freedom.
The OBI works for the Prime Minister and helps to protect the United Kingdom on all fronts and to ensure that Continumental Difference is contained as well as other Government threats.
Whispers of a Secret Division have been amongst the many secrets that the government have supposedly kept from the public (the existence of Anselopha is known only to government Officials).
The OBI keeps in contact with the President of Anselopha and deals with the Agency.
Anselopha holds its own Intelligence Agency and it can be argued that the Agency is better equipped to deal with Beings and Continumental Difference than the OBI. The Agency has the responsibility to monitor Intelligence within the Continuverse and has a duty to the Bureaus.
#075––The Agency
The Agency has no jurisdiction on Earth just as the OBI would not have in Anselopha, both are joined together by the Gatorial Allegiance to band together the Prime Worlds. Transfers between both the Agency and the OBI are not rare.
The Agency has many Departments that focus on Law and Order within Anselopha and the Continuverse. They ensure that Gaps through Worlds are managed and aid Bearers (where needed).
The Bearers are the highest command (when chosen) and are higher than the President of Anselopha, but do not have authority to govern, only advise (unless situations change within the Continumental state that allows them to take necessary action).
Eight Heads from the Prime Worlds gather on a biannual basis to discuss matters of importance within the Worlds and those related to the continuum.
Bearers are supposed to attend, however only the Masters did so and since the position has always been delicate, those who have some status in protecting time are invited. Attendance is above importance.
#076––The Gatorial Allegiance
Eight members hold the board as the Higher Authority (under the Bearers) who take on a huge responsibility of looking after the existence and the continuum.
Earth has the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Head of the Order of British Intelligence, the Head of the Secret Division (location: classified) and the Head of Interworld Relations.
Anselopha has the President of Anselopha & Continuversal Bureaus, the Director of the Agency, the Head of the State Shield of Security and the Head of the Harlo-Vidictay Law Enforcement Office.
Within each world a Bureau (a Continuversal Building) is placed in the largest populated area. There can be more than one and all work under the President of Anseloph
#077––The Bureaus
The Agency governs the Continuverse on instruction from the President of Anselopha. There are Bureaus in each world and the Agency holds Law Enforcing Officers (LEOs) specifically tailored to each worlds condition.
Each Bureau has their own Director and each world can have more than one Bureau, depending on population or management over Continuversal locations, amongst other support management, services and time-related anomalies.
At both ends of a World, a Hub is placed that connects Gaps throughout the Prime World and the Continuverse.
#078––The Warp Machine
In its possession, the Agency holds a Warp Machine that allows Government Officials to travel through the Ports in the Gaps of Worlds. Though only Officials are allowed to use such a Machine, those with Supernatural Powers (and of course Bearers) do not need such a Machine as natural ability sees this through.
Britain had been at the centre of one of the most historic events ever to have taken place. Though most things have happened in plain sight and amongst the public the OBI have kept these events hidden as best as they could, however there are some that have, in their possession (and in secret), evidence of such events.
#079––Great British History
A lot of abnormal (albeit extraordinary) things have happened that has put a mark on British history. Like the disappearance of Nelson’s Column with the Lions said to protect it, torn to shreds. Tower Bridge was struck by a storm that broke the bascules. Several booths from the London Eye vanished overnight and weird light and distorted objects were sighted over Buckingham Palace.
The world had changed drastically, but this was nothing compared to what the people had heard in hushed whispers. There had been many rumours about it and even more experts, Government Officials and even the Prime Minister who had denied any truth about it. The existence of another world.
Anselopha and the Prime Worlds hold something in common, they all have three different sized Silver Suns above the sky that shine down silverlight by day and glisten like diamonds by night.
#080––The Silver Suns
Anselopha and the Continuverse have three Silver Suns hanging above the sky. At times of an eclipse, a Silver Sun illuminates like a kaleidoscope and when all three are positioned rightly (once every tens of thousands of years), they beam tunnels of light that hit between the Suns to form a triangle that can be seen from space.
There are many people, human or not, who have obtained unwillingly (through Continumental Difference) or were born with Supernatural Powers. As of yet Beings are untraced and one or two have been known to have been involved in criminal activities.
#081––The Supernatural Existence
There are many rules that a person has to follow if Beings wish to stay on Earth, they must keep their power a secret and must not use their power in public at any cost. Some people posses powers that are too hard to contain and those people are usually located to less populated places, mostly in the countryside.
If a Being has chosen to be emigrated to Anselopha they are given a place that is best suited to their powers and can choose to make a living there, but are not granted a chance to return to Earth, one-way only.
The British government have helped to keep Continumental Difference a secret to better protect the people and to ensure that a division is not caused between humans and Beings for the safety of the people as well as the Supernatural existence.
Now to the Matter-Fabric, the very thing that connects the whole of space and time together. It holds the foundation to 3Circle energy and has intertwined itself to Anselopha and the Continuverse, creating an even extensive continuum.
The Whole of Space and Time
‘With its nature laid bare – ready to be taken unwillingly by force without Bearers – time will not last forever and with no hope of guidance, time’s endangered nature will come to an end.’
Throughout the continuum there are many Continumental Differences (qualities that the Matter-Fabric holds as variations of traces or forms of itself placed in Objects). It is not clear of how many Objects exist nor how many quantities of each there are in total.
As there are many, some have been used or collected, whilst others are out there somewhere, ready to be claimed. Properties of time surround the entire Matter-Fabric and can be used intentionally or accidentally.
Continumental Difference exists as a reaction to time’s struggle in keeping itself continual and for however long the extent of this may be, the more Continumental Differences that will form could lead to the initial shattering time’s core completely – there is no end to this reaction.
Visions are not selective, they cannot be conjured or controlled and Seers will only be able to see visions in their individual time stream and each path that they are on. It is not known how visions appear and no way of knowing whether the vision are true or false. A Seer must have the judgement to figure out what course of action needs to be taken.
There are many time streams that run through the continuum and only one that can be used in the natural flow that becomes the final blueprint to time. There are many versions of one point in time and space and (at the same time) many can intervene at once.
#083––Time Streams
Numerous streams of the same point in time can occur simultaneously, we live but one of these in the course of reality and many are crossed at the same length of time which could be running in different lengths in another time stream.
Streams are hardwired into Timeless Energy Fields and whilst in them you could be streaming within a single flow of paused time or an extension of one or more other streams.
It is not know how a person would react to a certain stream or if it would be possible to live or move within one, however there have been some known Timeless Energy Fields where time does flows other than its natural order and where people can manoeuvre around almost comfortably.
Several portals are at play and can be used for things such a jumping to one point in time and space to another, or travelling through time and even changing parts of time without any repercussion or even having the threat of creating paradoxes.
There are various types of portals that can be used for a range of skills and abilities, they are one of the many changes in time in its evolution and are used by anyone who can conjure them.
PROGRAMMER (Turquoise). Used for training within the Programmer
TRANSPORTER (Blue). Transports between individual, dual or tophial (more than two) points
OBSERVER (Green). Used to observe disruptions within the timeline and across the universe
REGULAR (Maroon). Traveling through space and time
TIMENTIUM (Yellow). Freezes time, place or both (depending on the conjurer and their ability)
CONTINUVERSAL (Orange). Jumping through one world to another (parallel, multiverse, alternate world or other)
CONTINUMENTAL [SPACE AND TIME] (Violet). Allows a user to change parts of the timeline, provided you get passed the Seal of course!
One of the Objects of continumental difference are Time Scopes.
Time Scopes are optical tubes a third the size of a standard telescope which have specialised lenses that allow the sight of the same point in space in another world or point in time.
#085––Time Scopes
A Time Scope is an instrument (the shape of a telescope, the tube being a third in size) used to locate an activity related to time travel and teleportation, this can extend to observing the same space in time or within other worlds.
Scopes are used commonly for government Officials who track people and for those who have a need to cross through worlds.
The rules of time are common knowledge and there is no excuse for not knowing them. Though not everyone knows them (humans are the exception) and
those who know them are bound to follow it. Many rules exist and some that are limited or extended depending on the point of time and space that the person is in.
#086––Rules of Time
Assist time and heal time’s wounds without causing a paradox and or other implications, side-effects, reactions and the like
Summon a Bearer when a point in time needs attention
Preserve time as best as you can
Interfere with time’s Matter-Fabric
Try to fix a point in time, even if you are experienced, this is only the duty of a Bearer
Use Objects to manipulate time and its extensions
Change the timeline based on prophecies, predictions and visions
Unlawfully traverse through time and space
There is a lot of Continumental Difference that had been exposed to the continuum and some that is radiated through each Layer of Time and has different reactions depending on which Layer it touches.
Many Differences have been seen before and are understood to be side-effects of time as it tries to stay continual, it exudes these Differences and can occur in random bursts or be manifested into atmospheres or exposure to people. Various records show its destructive nature and some that history will tell of.
#087––Continumental Difference
A part (of an area) where time tends to linger more than others, these places could be vulnerable to exposure of its radiation, nature or various extensions, some known reactions are: